SharePoint Level 1

Course Description

At the end of this course, knowledge workers in a variety of business environments will be able to effectively utilize resources on a typical SharePoint Foundation team site in the course of performing normal business tasks.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Accessing and Navigating SharePoint Team Sites
Access SharePoint Sites
Navigate SharePoint Sites
Lesson 2: Working with Documents, Content, and Libraries
Upload Documents
Search for Documents and Files
Lesson 3: Working with Lists
Add List Items
Modify List Items
Configure List Views
Filter and Group with List Views
Lesson 4: Configuring Your SharePoint Profile
Update and Share Your Profile Information
Share and Follow SharePoint Content
Create a Blog
Lesson 5: Integrating with Microsoft Office
Access and Save SharePoint Documents with Microsoft Office
Manage Document Versions through Office 2013
Access SharePoint Data from Outlook 2013
Lesson 6: Working Offline and Remotely with SharePoint
Synchronize Libraries, Sites, and MySite and Working Offline
Work from a Mobile Device

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Computers for Beginners

or equivalent knowledge.

Course Duration

7.5 hours

Study Methods Available

Group Training


For a quotation, please contact us.

Follow-on Courses

SharePoint Level 2

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